Need a GUI for docker on Linux?

Multipass, Docker, Portainer

Provisioning Docker with a GUI

Need a GUI for docker on LInux?

Multipass provides a virtual machine running Docker Engine and a containerised Portainer application. This virtual machine can be deployed with just a single command, i.e. multipass launch docker. Everything is pre-configured, automatically downloaded, and launched in one go.

This makes it extremely simple and easy to get a full Docker environment and a Portainer environment up and running. Portainer gives you a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing Docker containers on Linux, which makes things way easier when compared to using the Docker CLI. This setup is ideal for beginners.

Installing the Docker Virtual Machine

Open up a terminal and type multipass launch docker. This command will automatically create a virtual machine running the latest version of Ubuntu, with Docker and Portainer installed and configured for you.

List installed virtual machines

After the Docker VM installation completes, you can confirm its local availability by using multipass list. This command will list all locally installed Multipass virtual machines.

sysadmin@demo:~$ multipass list
Name                    State             IPv4             Image
primary                 Running       Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
adguard-home            Running       Ubuntu AdGuard Home Appliance
docker                  Running      Ubuntu 21.10   ---> docker is installed
foo                     Running      Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Show the Docker Virtual Machine's specs

After installing the Docker VM you can check the VM's specs using the command multipass info docker.

sysadmin@demo:~$ multipass info docker

Name:           docker
State:          Running
Release:        Ubuntu 21.10
Image hash:     2428ea070f5c (Ubuntu 21.10)
Load:           0.38 0.20 0.08
Disk usage:     1.6G out of 38.6G    
Memory usage:   203.5M out of 3.8G
Mounts:         --

Exploring the Docker Virtual Machine

Log in to the Docker Virtual Machine's shell

To login to the virtual machine's shell, execute the command: multipass shell docker. Upon login, a banner is displayed with the virtual machine's specifications. The number of available updates, if any, is also displayed.

sysadmin@demo:~$ multipass shell docker
Welcome to Ubuntu 21.10 (GNU/Linux 5.13.0-48-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:
 * Management:
 * Support:

  System information as of Wed Jun 15 13:35:58 SAST 2022

  System load:  0.36              Processes:             118
  Usage of /:   4.1% of 38.60GB   Users logged in:       0
  Memory usage: 6%                IPv4 address for ens3:
  Swap usage:   0%

0 updates can be applied immediately.

New release '22.04 LTS' available.
Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.

To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.

A standard Ubuntu Linux shell

Once inside the VM's shell, you can execute Linux commands as usual. So let's run some standard Linux commands.

ubuntu@docker:~$ uname -a
Linux docker 5.13.0-48-generic #54-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 1 20:38:48 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
ubuntu@docker:~$ hostname
ubuntu@docker:~$ hostnamectl
 Static hostname: docker
       Icon name: computer-vm
         Chassis: vm
      Machine ID: 1fd7d3e33f964b5d8c911c8c8ca4d2f9
         Boot ID: fa582f481887422abd991911176e8162
  Virtualization: kvm
Operating System: Ubuntu 21.10                     
          Kernel: Linux 5.13.0-48-generic
    Architecture: x86-64
 Hardware Vendor: QEMU
  Hardware Model: Standard PC _i440FX + PIIX, 1996_

Installed Snaps

Checking what Snaps are installed as standard in the Docker Virtual Machine:

Name    Version      Rev    Tracking         Publisher   Notes
core18  20220428     2409   latest/stable    canonical✓  base
core20  20220527     1518   latest/stable    canonical✓  base
lxd     5.2-79c3c3b  23155  latest/stable/…  canonical✓  -
snapd   2.56         16010  latest/stable    canonical✓  snapd
yq      4.24.2       1702   latest/stable    mikefarah   -

Installed container(s)

Listing all installed containers shows a single container named portainer. Notice that the container occupies only 275MB on disk.

ubuntu@docker:~$ docker container ls -s
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                    COMMAND        CREATED      STATUS      PORTS                                                           NAMES       SIZE
a20b5d043559   portainer/portainer-ce   "/portainer"   5 days ago   Up 5 days   8000/tcp, 9443/tcp,>9000/tcp, :::9000->9000/tcp   portainer   0B (virtual 275MB)

Portainer as a GUI

The Docker workflow comes with Portainer installed as a container, as shown in the previous section (above). Portainer gives us a graphical user interface for managing any Docker containers we install.

"Portainer is a multi-cluster, multi-cloud container management platform that supports Docker, Swarm, Nomad, and Kubernetes running in any Data Center, Cloud, Network Edge, or IIoT Device". - source:

To access Portainer, we will need its IP address. The multipass list command will show the IP addresses that are associated with the Docker VM:

sysadmin@demo:~$ multipass list
Name                    State             IPv4             Image
adguard-home    Running      Ubuntu AdGuard Home Appliance
docker          Running     Ubuntu 21.10  ---> 1st address 
                       ---> 2nd address
foo                         Running      Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

There are two IP addresses listed for the Docker VM. One IP is for the Docker instance, and the other IP is for the Portainer container. The Portainer IP should start with a 10. In this demo, the relevant IP is

Connecting to Portainer

In a web browser, enter the Portainer IP address followed by the Portainer port, 9000. Set up a username and password at the prompt, select the option for managing a local Docker environment, and click connect.

Portainer login.png

After a successful login, the Portainer Home screen is loaded.

Portainer logged in Home (1).png

App templates

On the left-hand side panel, select App Templates. A list of available container templates is loaded. You can then select a required template from the list and configure and deploy it as a container to your local machine.

Portained App Templates.png


That's it from me.


1) Multipass Documentation

2) Single-command Docker environments on any machine with Multipass

3) Running a container with the Docker workflow in Multipass